Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hairy Monkeees

I am very pleased to see some new businesses taking root in our lovely Blackheath Standard. For all you hairy monkeys (and I do include myself in that group - although I'm more of a squirrel - ahem) there is now some serious choice when it comes to de-fuzzing those tanned and bronzed limbs. I was commenting to a friend about a new place that has opened called "Standard Barbers" now the name really is deceptive and from the outside you would be right in assuming it is a Barbers or hairdressers... but if you venture inside there are some little rooms assigned for the sole purpose of waxing and threading. They offer the usual waxing options, and they do a nifty bit of threading too.

What I like are the prices - which I think very reasonable. Sadly they have no website so I have scanned in a copy of the price list at the end of the blog.

I thought it would be a good idea to compare the prices so I have a link to the BBrown website, this is the tanning salon near M&S, which also offers waxing and threading. What I will mention is that the prices on the website are nothing like the prices I was told when I visited in person - so I would call and check before making any appointments.

Just to be fair I have also included one other place in the village which also has a huge selection of beauty treatments, Good Looks are just a short walk from the station.

Of course if you commute via Greenwich then you may prefer the Greenwich Clipper which also have a comprehensive list of treatments, I couldn't find a website for them so I've scanned in a price lis, see below.

As a quick comparison I've just compared the Brazilian so you can get an idea:
* Standard Barbers £14.00
* B Brown (website price) £ 16.00
* Greenwich Clipper from £15.75
* Good Looks £19.00

Standard Barbers Price List

Greenwich Clipper Price list

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